With Payment Notifications you can:
Request payment for a specific amount from a customer into your viva.com Account. The customer receives the payment notification in his/her email inbox and is being redirected to our Smart Checkout page to proceed to the payment.
How can I send a payment notification?
1. Login to your viva.com Account from a browser
2. Click on the Request money tab at the top of the page
3. Click on the New Notification button
The New Payment Notification page is displayed
4. Complete the mandatory fields:
Your reference – to help you identify the payment
Amount – enter amount greater than 30¢/30p
A short payment description - the description to display to the customer
Customer Name
Customer e-mail
Source – select ‘Default’ unless you have set up a separate payment source for this payment channel.
Repeat - this toggle dictates whether repeat (recurring) payments are allowed after the initial payment notification has been paid
5. Click on the Send Notification button
The payment notification will be sent to the customer’s email address, and will proceed to the payment on the Smart Checkout page.