What is Virtual Terminal?
The Card Charging / Virtual terminal or Virtual POS (Web POS) service allows you to receive remote payments without having a physical terminal, giving you the ability to provide your business with the functionality of a physical card acceptance terminal, without the customer’s mandatory presence.
How do I charge via Virtual Terminal?
To charge cards via Virtual POS the following steps are necessary:
Log in to your viva.com Account from a browser.
Select from the menu, Sales and Card Charge.
After reading the warning that appears, select Yes to indicate that you have understood and accepted its content.
Fill in the required fields and select Card Charge.
Upon the charge completion, the cardholder receives an email with the transaction details as well as the transaction receipt.
How do I find transactions that have been charged via Virtual Terminal?
To locate Web POS transactions, kindly follow the steps below:
Log in to your business viva.com Account
Select from the menu, Sales and Sales Transactions
Locate the transaction you wish by searching by time period or date range.
The transaction will be displayed with the word Card Charge in the Type column
If you want transaction details, select Information.
If you would like to print the transaction, select Print.
💡 Useful Information!
When the transaction is pre-authorised, the word Reserve is displayed in the Type column.
How can I charge / cancel a pre-authorized transaction via Virtual Terminal?
To locate Virtual Terminal transactions, follow the steps below:
Log in to your business viva.com Account
Select from the menu, Sales and Sales Transactions
Locate the transaction you wish, by searching by time period or date range.
The transaction will be displayed with the word Authorization in the Type column.
From the Options column, click Charge or Cancel *, depending on the action you wish to take.
💡 Useful Information!
Cleared transactions cannot be cancelled.
How can I cancel / reverse a transaction via Virtual Terminal?
To locate Virtual Terminal transactions, follow the steps below:
Log in to your business viva.com Account.
Select from the menu, Sales and Sales Transactions
Locate the transaction you want by searching by time period or date range.
The transaction will be displayed with the word Card Charge in the Type column.
When the transaction is pre-authorized, the word Authorization is displayed in the Type column.
From the Options column, click Capture or Cancel, depending on the action you wish to take.
💡 Useful Information!
Cleared transactions cannot be cancelled.
The Virtual Terminal option does not appear on my platform. Why?
To enable the Virtual Terminal in your viva.com Account to submit a request to our customer support team.
How can I activate Virtual Terminal?
Once our team approves your request for the Virtual Terminal activation in your account, the Virtual Terminal feature will be available within your viva.com Account under the Sales menu.